Nutrition & Wellness Program

New Life

Nutrition & Wellness Program


Nutrition & Wellness Program is a healthy eating plan which is meant for people who may not want to lose or gain weight, but who simply want to eat right, exercise; stay fit, look youthful & develop a healthy lifestyle so as to have a disease free life. If you are one of them, this is the ideal plan for you.

As one ages, the body tends to lose muscle mass & the body composition changes i.e. fat percentage becomes higher & lean body weight becomes lesser. This happens unless you do something to improve your lean body mass & watch your diet.

Moreover, unlike earlier times, people now eat out more frequently, consume foods that are processed, packaged, calorie laden yet nutrient deficient. Most people need to relearn how to choose foods wisely, how to eat correctly & in a way that supports good health.

New Life

Our Aim Is To

Help you with a diet that keeps you vibrant, youthful & in the pink of health.

Help you clear all the myths & develop awareness about fitness & good nutrition.

Provide you with practical tools for a healthy lifestyle, like tasty recipes, meal plan ideas & other guidelines.

Help you evolve into an eating pattern that best suits your likes, dislikes, lifestyle pattern & goals.

Help you to form new habits, so that you can always stay fit.

Help slow down the ageing process, prevent malnutrition & related diseases.

What Is Included In

Nutrition & Wellness Program

  1. Customized Nutrition & Wellness Diet Chart
  2. What to eat, what to avoid & Why
  3. Sample Meal Plans
  4. Progress Chart
  5. Healthy Snack options
  6. Guidelines for healthy cooking
  7. Guidelines for eating out
  8. Recipe books for making yummy & nutritious food
  9. Food shopping guide
  10. Customized workout plan
  11. Guidelines for an effective workout
  12. Travel/ Vacation diet plan
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